
Education as a basic right.

Education and learning is something that we all need and all should participate in, no matter what our age, race, color, creed, nationality or religious affiliation. So why is that so many people are not afforded this basic right. A right that that should be given to anyone. Sitting in our comfortable homes and abodes in North America where these rights are generally available to everyone it is easy to put this to the back of your mind. But for some people and that goes for even people in our own continent this is not the case. 

The world is going through many upheavals at the moment and I write from a Bahai perspective as I am a Bahai and I tend to view things with the Bahai Writings in mind. If you are not sure who the Bahai's are, check out this
link or this link.

I am going to address the issue from a Bahai point of view and particularly with regards to the issue of education in Iran for Bahai's. You see in Iran if you are Bahai you are not allowed the rights of higher education that other citizens are. It is unfortunately a fault of the current regime in Iran that its prejudice against the Bahai community has prevented this. It is a sad part that they do not view Bahai's as equal citizens compared to Muslims. Now, the Bahai writings state that we are all equal in the eyes of God. To quote, "ye are all the branches of one tree" Baha'u'llah. There is no difference between us. For whatever reasons they may present, their view is flawed.

In a world of information where we can transmit ideas and thoughts in mere seconds and travel great distances in hours, access to information, knowledge and education is so important. It is with education that humanity will advance and improve far beyond what we can see now. This is the promise of this dispensation.

In Iran, the Bahai community created a grass roots organization called the BIHE or "Bahai Institute for Higher Learning", this network of college level teachers began teaching students in kitchens, living rooms and where ever was possible to supply this education. The courses are now recognized and accepted at universities outside of Iran. However on May 21st 2011 the BIHE came under attack by Iranian authorities and thirty Bahai homes were searched and a dozen of its teachers and administrators were arrested. They are now in prison for nothing more than providing a service of teaching students. 

The website is a great place for information and how you can get involved with the movement and conversation to bring justice to these educators and also I would say to bring awareness to so many other places that may face the same lack of access to education.

The youth and children of today really are our future and educating them and giving them spiritual sustenance is of utmost importance to the advancement of humanity in this wonderful age.I urge you Take Action on the website and sign the petition. It is one way in which we can hopefully effect change. We pray that the situation in Iran will change and that other areas around the world, including our own cities in that we live in will always regard education and the young people as our most valuable assets.

Education Under Fire Trailer (3 min) from Education Under Fire on Vimeo.
