
I read an interesting article and comment on fear today. Actually it was an email that was sent to me my Ramit Sethi. It talked a lot about why fear stops us from doing things. It really resonated with me as I thought about my own circumstances and situation. Having just taken a leap of faith and deciding to start my own business. I really reflected on that and on my friends and their situations. I saw that maybe finally I had taken that leap and left behind the chains of my fear for not doing this for so long ago. I had a feeling like maybe I was finally in control and had taken that hardest first step and put myself out there. How liberating it is. And also how strangling that fear can be to hold you back and stop you from taking your dreams to the next level.

So what is that holds us back like that, what is it that paralyzes us and prevents us from doing these things? I think I have asked myself that for a long time. There just seems to be this thing and I can't quantify what it is and it is just always not that easy to release. You can sometimes read as many uplifting quotes, blogs, readings, emails etc but you still find yourself getting stuck. I guess what I am saying is that I understand what it is like. I feel great that I finally let this one event go for me, but I also understand that it will not be the last. I will have to face more fears and conquer them. That is part of life, having Faith and taking that next step to move to a higher level.

Acknowledging those fears can be a major step forward and posting them publicly even more so. So for myself, it was I don't have time, or I don't have the knowledge to do this, or where do I start. I don't deserve it can be one of the biggest ones too. These are mine what are yours and what can we do to stop these and believe in ourselves and our hidden abilities.
